This week I returned from Groom Expo & Animal Behavior Conference in Hershey, PA. Awesome show - so big it's actually a bit overwhelming! I learned the trick there is to spend the first full day just methodically shopping the trade show, then you have the weekend to focus on classes. Plus try to catch some of the competitions between all that.
Despite a tiring schedule, it was a fairly relaxing week. A day in the country on each end of the trip, of course, helped. The drive each way was long, but we enjoyed a short stay in the Amish country before show time (where we took annual family vacations when I was a kid), then on a secluded mountain with friends on the way home. It's been nearly 18 years since I last visited PA, and it was great to see it again. Also picked up some nice fresh dried herbs and oat flour while there - so much better than what supermarkets carry, plus way cheaper! I even did a little Christmas shopping, plus picked up a souvenir or two for myself. I found the most unique little trinket in one store; a pewter jewelry box which held a lovely necklace, a pair of earrings hooked in the lid, and the cover doubled as a lapel pin. Never seen anything like it. 4 in 1 for less than $9, I couldn't resist! The style/theme was a love & romance hex sign, very pretty for jewelry, I think.

When I first received the free ticket package at last year's grooming convention, I said "if I can only make it to one show, it'll be Groom Expo!" I love the location, and heard it's one of the best shows, but total costs can be prohibitive for some, so I definitely had to take advantage of my gift certificate. It's actually not so much the show costs that hurt you, at least if you go for a basic seminar package (daily price is close to average, but being a long show it does add up fast) - it's more the lodging. Great accommodations, clean rooms, just a bit overpriced even with the group discount. But then, maybe I really can't judge, as I wasn't able to use all the amenities... In any case this trip has killed the rest of the year for any more travel, other than the quick trip to NEPGP. Shopping did not help my bottom line, but they were all necessary business expenses. The new dryer really did me in, but at least I didn't have to pay for shipping. Just hope this one lasts me many years!
The seminars were wonderful and they provided ample breaks to allow shopping & contest viewing. While this did cut into class time - could've taken more if they crammed the seminars back to back - it was nice to have the free time; and necessary if you want to see everything! Like I said, that show was HUGE! It's an incredible opportunity to meet so many vendors and sometimes even witness the unveiling of new products. Not to mention taking advantage of any show specials. I joined Barkleigh's "Groomers Club" and got back more than my money's worth in one day of shopping. Okay, you want to know just how big the show is? It's so big they have a tour guide! LOL "Debbie & the Newbies" tours go around a few times each day, showing newcomers all the sights of Groom Expo. You do have to wear a silly hat ;-) but you also get some coupons for the weekend. So I highly recommend taking the tour first thing. I made use of one $5 off coupon to join the Groomers Club, which subsequently saved me more when shopping. There were also lots of free gifts from both the tour and the club. I'd say nearly a third off all the stuff I brought home was free samples, etc. Even snagged 2 or 3 very nice tote bags, which certainly came in handy for packing all that new stuff!
Back to the seminars! Interestingly, I took fewer grooming classes at Groom Expo than I have at any other show. Not that I didn't want to, but when there's so many choices, you have to prioritize. Most of the weekend I spent in behavior & training and business seminars. Everything was educational and fun, with fantastic speakers, a couple of which coincidentally held the majority of my chosen classes. There were also excellent grooming demos on the trade show floor.
The competitions, esp. creative, were a must see. Entries in the regular classes seemed average in number this year, but the specialty classes are where this show really shines. That's where the big prize money is! Creative is the star, and Groom Expo is one of the few (or only?) shows where you actually groom the dog in the ring. You walk in with a fluffy Poodle (or breed of choice - but Poodle coats being the most versatile, that's pretty much all you see in creative these days), precolored if necessary, but little else, and you get a set time to sculpt, add more color, decorations and accessorize the dog into something else altogether. This year's placements included a My Little Pony, a panda bear, and a hippie. The "World Champion" (1st place) wins not only an enormous trophy and bragging rights, but $2500 prize money! Incredible. Now for a chance at that, I'd gladly come pay for the lodging. ;-) hehe Someday I hope to do just that! Heck, even third place gets a very decent $750. At least it'd cover travel & show expenses, with maybe a little left if you just stayed a couple days.

A review of Groom Expo wouldn't be complete without mention of the "Dancing with Dogs" tournament. Ever since I first learned about Musical Freestyle, I've been rather hooked on it. I've taken a workshop, read books & articles, and watched videos, but never seen a competition in person. It was amazing to finally have that opportunity after so many years. WCFO held contests throughout the weekend, and I was able to catch a few routines here and there. Yet another ring I'd willingly travel down to enter! Their prize money for this special occasion was nothing to sneeze at either. Freestyle is a relatively new sport, which is compared to dressage in the horse world. As you "dance" around the ring, your dog follows you in heel position (walking forward or backward on either side), mirrors you face on, circles or weaves between your legs, add in some jumps, rolls, and other flashy steps, there are really infinite possibilities and combinations. Everyone has a different routine of their own - that's why it's called "freestyle!" I can see incorporating many country line dances into a routine, or for that matter just going line dancing with a canine partner. LOL Freestyle is all about having fun, and the training is purely positive, so the dogs love the sport. It's still less common that the mainstream sports, but if you ever have the chance to watch a competition, you'll surely be mesmerized! There are several organizations, including WCFO, CFF, and MDSA; check them all out and google for more to see if anything is offered in your area. Many freestylers also form local groups for camaraderie, support, training & practice, etc... perhaps you're lucky enough to have one near you.
In all, it was a very full week at Groom Expo and it was great to visit PA again. Wonderful location... as my new tee shirt says, "Virginia may be for lovers, but Pennsylvania has Intercourse." :-D (Yes, that's a real town in the heart of the Amish country. Nice place too!)
One more show to go... I guess four out of seven isn't bad!